The Tao of Badass Review – #1 Guide to Getting the Woman You Want

The Tao of Badass Review

Planning to buy The Tao of Badass eBook? Read this review before you do so. You may have heard before of books, programs, and guides that guarantee your success with women, but you find out that most of them are all smoke and mirrors. They offer mostly theoretical ideas that are hard to put in practice, steps that do not really work, or, worst, advice that gets you in trouble. To find out if the Tao of Badass is one of them, read on.

What is the Tao of Badass?

The Tao of Badass is a system of subliminal seduction that uses scientific techniques to target women’s psyche. It teaches men how to interact effectively with women and to make them instantly hooked without the use of money, a toned body, or good looks. In short, it’s the average guy’s key to attracting more women—and not just women, but gorgeous women.

It has taken the Internet by storm, and I must say that the ideas are intriguing and might be worth trying. Like most single guys, you probably find it hard to discover a consistent way of getting women. Sometimes, flattery works, but most of the time it doesn’t. Sometimes she gives you her number, but she files you under the “friend” category. Or sometimes you do get the girl, but she cheats on you. These things suck. They lower your self-esteem. They can create trust issues and, basically, ruin how you deal with women in the future.

The goal of the Tao of Badass, however, is to eliminate the uncertainty in men’s relationships with women. It aims to replace the “sometimes” factor with “never.” Never will you get shut down because of the things you say in your approach. Never will she put you in the friend zone, and never will she cheat on you. It also takes care of a lot of the other shams of dating and relationships—that I’m sure you’re pretty used to by now. What Joshua Pellicer has to show you will put you in the top 2% of men, just by doing one simple thing.

Watch the Tao of Badass Video

Watch the Tao of Badass Video

What will you get from the Tao of Badass?

Purchasing the Tao of Badass eBook avails you of the most comprehensive and proven dating advice in four easy-to-follow courses. It gives you access to video instruction and tutorials, expert tips, one-on-one support, and interviews with the most successful dating experts in the world. Particularly, the material will teach you how to:

  • Date more than one person at the same time
  • Make women approach you
  • Change the way women see you
  • Demolish the friendzone
  • Use body language and eye contact properly
  • Pass the “tests” women throw at you
  • Get the first kiss
  • Turn casual interest to burning desire
  • Intimidate other men
  • Stay away from the friend zone
  • Get anything you want from women: be it sex, dates, a relationship, or even marriage
  • Avoid jealousy
  • Compel her not to cheat on you
  • Break up without burning bridges

These are just some of the things that you will get from the Tao of Badass upon purchase. Most importantly, though, is the fact that this system will change your life.

How does the Tao system work?

The Tao of Badass is not some pick up line guide to get you laid. It is a system backed up by scientific research that will change the way you see yourself in order to change the way you appeal to women. It aims to bring out the alpha male in you—whoever you are and wherever you’re from.

This is a system that hundreds of thousands of men everywhere in the world can attest to. Its founder, Joshua Pellicer, himself admitted to how it changed his own life. He wants all men to know, “I ended up wasting YEARS of my life on things that just didn’t work for me. I wanted a real solution that would “fix me” to the core. Not just make me pretend to be someone else forever. So I started creating my own system. I took all of the parts from the years of study that actually worked and I linked them all together into a new system that actually MADE SENSE.”

Download The Tao of Badass and get a 60-day money back guarantee.

download the tao of badass

4 Effective Ways to Date Women Online

In the age of social media – Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, men have started to discover the powers of online dating. Gone will be the days of meeting women in bars and clubs, because, just a click away, you can easily meet quality women with more options to choose from.

online dating

The best thing about meeting women online is that you don’t have to accept rejection face to face. Getting a rejection e-mail is easier to shrug off. So if you’re a newcomer to the amazing world of online dating, here are tips to help you succeed early on:

  1. Know what you want.

Given that there are probably thousands of women you can check out online, having an idea of the woman you are looking for will make it easier for you to decide whom to engage. Think about the basics that you want in a woman, but avoid getting too specific. You never know how many great girls you will miss if you’re just looking for, say, a green-eyed accountant or a 26-year-old Harvard graduate who likes cats.

Be open to stretching your list a little.

  1. Look for women who fit the profile.

With this list in mind, search for women who meet your preferences. Do not focus on just one woman, and engage as many as you can manage.

Chat with them. Keep the conversation light, and make the women comfortable with you.

  1. Be honest.

Lying about who you are is not the way to meet women online. Remember that she will eventually find out once you two decide to see each other.

Carrying on a lie is also much harder than just telling the truth. Forget about making up stories about your college life or exaggerating your looks. Just imagine if she were to lie about being in her early twenties and turn out to be more like early 40s. You’ll most likely be pissed off.

  1. Find out what she wants.

Once you get to know the women, start asking what she’s looking for (in men, in a relationship, etc.). If her answers match with what you have in mind, then continue your conversation. If they don’t, let her go.

You can also tell her what you’re looking for, but don’t reveal too many details. This way, you still have a lot to know about each other when you meet her in person, which should be your ultimate goal.

Telling her everything you want will make you look desperate, and she might think twice about meeting you. When you let out the idea of meeting her and she doesn’t seem interested, you should let her go and move on. There are women who just want someone to chat with, so don’t let a conversation with no end in sight drag out. Still, if she says she needs more time and you feel that she’s interested, be patient and bring up the meeting again, after some time.

Once you master these steps, you will realize how easy it is to meet a variety and a great number of women online. By then, you can instinctually know if a woman is worth your time or not, so maximize the innumerable options available to you. Talk to more women at once. Know that, if it doesn’t work out, there is always someone special waiting for you just a click away.

5 Easy Steps to Make Women Approach You

girlfriend materialDo you visualize yourself being chased by women from everywhere? If you do, then you should probably know that this fantasy is easier to turn into reality than you think.

Like most single guys, you may be pressured to get a girlfriend or a casual sex partner, but don’t have the confidence to approach women and get them to like you. And, just like most guys, you secretly think how easier it would be if women are the ones who come to you instead.

The truth is this game-change is very much possible if you master the 5 simple ways that women are automatically drawn to you:

1) Go out in style

Contrary to popular belief, women don’t prefer handsome men; women approach men they want to get with—men with style. Women are observant creatures and, if they like what they see, they will come to you. So don’t forget to be well-groomed and stylish when you appear in public places, because you’ll never know when you’ll catch the eyes of a gorgeous stranger.

3) Look her in the eye

Make sure to have eye contact with women. You know how awkward it can be if you approach a woman without first making sure that she saw you. The same goes if you want women to approach you; look them in the eye and smile, so they will feel more confident to come your way.

2) Move with swagger

Biology tells us that the human eye catches motion faster than shapes and figures. This means that, before she notices your polished shoes or your strong biceps, she will first catch the way you move. If you’re being fidgety, she can see that, and, if you move with confidence, she will definitely notice.

Remember to relax when you’re out in the presence of women. Shoulders should be a little back. Roll them a little while walking. Keep your head up.

4) Maintain a positive attitude

Women are attracted to men who seem to enjoy life. Instead of scowling, positive men smile a lot. Instead of getting irritated at the slightest inconvenience, they empathize and try to make the most of the situation. Likewise, you should learn to have fun in little ways and be interested in your surroundings.

Because women appreciate guys who help other women, try to have pleasant interactions with women around you. Joke with the Starbucks barista. Help the pregnant woman with her grocery bag. When the woman you want sees this, she knows that you are a guy who loves life and is fun to be with.

5) Date online

Online dating sites are the best place to practice your ways with women. When you have literally hundreds of women begging for your attention online, your mindset about dating begins to change.

You’ll discover that women will come to you, and you never have to chase them again. This confidence will show outwardly as well. Women outside the online world will see that you are not desperate for their attention, which makes them curious about you. Before you know it, that woman you’ve been eyeing for years is now hanging by your every word.